Place Value
We use place value to help us identify which numbers are bigger in a sum. A number is made of one or more digits and place value is understanding that numbers such as 12 is made up of 10 and 2 instead of 1 and 2, as well as numbers like 4152 is made up of 4 thousands, 1 hundreds, 5 tens and 2 units instead of 4, 1, 5 and 2.
Example 1:
The number 65,738 is split up into place values below.
We will have to use an extended table to find out the place value of decimal numbers as the decimal falls after the unit value. This means, our new place value table will look like this:
So, the number 65,738 had a decimal - let's say 65,738.571, we would have to insert the decimal numbers into the table which will look like this: